Let's start writing the 23rd page!

Okay, I know I promised to write this note on Wednesday. Unfortunately, my body is getting the better of me and I fell pray to throat infection, that I have to stay bedridden for two days. So, let's just start this before it's not relevant anymore =P.

Okay so....

1. On Life Vision, I hope that I can have the confirmation on what I am going to do this year. Be it study or professional work or even, full-time ministry work if it come to that, I hope that I can have the confirmation from God this year. Or at least on the 24th page. (I know what I think I want to do, but I'm still waiting for God's confirmation)

2. On ministry, I am hoping to be able to start ministering as a speaker in FES-IM starting this year -- I hope. I need to find what will be most suitable for me to talk about. Maybe on leadership/fellowship management/church history. I also wish to be more effective being a PKTB,  and have more focused involvement in student ministry. Having said that, I hope that I will not be neglecting my duty in church. Hope I can do them both in a balanced way.

3. On KTB, like I said, I want to be more effective. I want to be more focused on the people, having finished most of the curriculum (20% to go I think). Need to start preparing them for being a PKTB as well (if they wanted to be).

4. On relationship with others, I wish I can sort out this struggle that I had for the past 10 months =/. I hope that I can be a better friend for others, and stop giving circling answers (that would be hard as hell)

5. On that side of relationship..... like what i said on my last post.... errrrr.... hahaha. I guess I will still be as timid and as clueless as usual. Hoping for the best, but will not force my will if it is not His. I guess I will wait on God to show me His will. I like Danny Gokey's new song: My best days are ahead of me. Amen to that. =D

6. On personal development. I want to have more time on reading on bible expository, and I think I need to improve my quiet time as well. But more importantly, I have to improve on the applications of the word.

7. On personal relationship with God, as I said earlier, improve my quiet time, lean on God's mighty hand, and trust in His judgment. Don't want to have dry moment anymore, and stop falling in the same hole over and over again. God help me.

8. I want to be a good uncle. LOL

9. Double the amount of saving. Need to build up reserves for later on as I might be forced to take drastic measure. I think.

10. Stabilize my self on 65 mark. XD

11. Reduce my bad habits, and be a better listener.

12. Work harder, better, and increase my involvement in day-to-day operations.

13. And maybe.. I want to have a better structured life. I guess I am messy.

Well.. all thing being said and done, I think I will not be able to fulfill all that in one year. But hey, we need to aim high in life right? ;)

Please pray for me that I can be a better Christian, and be more like Him day by day.

"He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor"
(Proverbs 15:32-33)



There was a time when I lost my desire to write and to share. There was a time when I didn't see the point of doing a blog to express my thought. I am who I am though, inconsistent as I am in doing this blog, but I do want to share and I do long to write. Today I'm giving it another go. Fingers crossed. But I still wish that "Let there be light" is the message that I convey.
  • January 1st 2012, Kristo