I will be having another KTB session this week.. (well, hopefully..) Not my younger KTB -- the older one.. haha..
The topic discussed is on eschatology, coming from the word eschatos which means 'last'. Hence, eschatology is the study of 'the last things' or in Wayne Grudem's category, about the doctrine of the future.
The rules for the discussion is that we need to source our own readings, can be from the bible directly and try to interpret (very hard to do, of course), books, internet, or other sources available to us and talk about it in the KTB. I used Wayne Grudem's 'Bible Doctrine' book that I read for over a year for my preparation as a PKTB (yes, I'm too lazy, and yes, the content of the book is that HARD to chew and swallow). I've finished two chapters on the second coming and on the millennium. And guess what?
My head is going to explode from the information overflow... ><.. LOL.. there are sooo many views with a lot of thinking and backgrounds, so many differences over doctrines held by various people and complicated things.. And it made me see that these differences may only be settled completely when the Lord returns. (Does not mean that we can stop searching though..)
But one thing for sure is that: these differences should be seen as matters of secondary importance, not differences over primary importance. And this is very true, since all matters of primary importance are always stated clearly in the Bible. =)
Soo... I will try to finish the third chapter tommorow.. and who knows.. maybe I can share my summary in this blog.. but again.. that would just be my own opinion based on my limited understanding. Over these kind of secondary matters, I will put 'harmony' and 'tolerance' whenever I am able to.. =)
Diversity is a gift to cherish, not an accident to be mourned -- selama itu tidak kontradiksi dengan kebenaran Alkitab secara keseluruhan
Let there be light!
Ada yg pernah mengunyah grudem dalam 5 minggu koq =P
Saya ngga mau ngunyah buku itu dalam 5 minggu ditambah paper FYP -___-'
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