You just killed Beethoven

A doctor are consulting another doctor regarding abortion issue.

"About the termination of pregnancy, I want to ask for your opinion. The father was syphilic, the mother tuberculous. Of the four children born, the first was blind, the second died, the third was deaf and dumb, and the fourth also tuberculous. What would you have done (to the unborn fifth child) ?" The first doctor asked.

The second doctor replied, "I would have ended the pregnancy."

The first doctor concludes, "Then you would have murdered Beethoven."

- Maurice Baring, quoted by John Stott in "Issues Facing Christian Today", additional information added.


Anonymous September 22, 2009 at 6:12 PM  

uda liat yg ini jg to?

Kristo K September 22, 2009 at 8:20 PM  

#1 aku tau,
#3 aku ga kenal
#4 ga nyadar XD
thanks cok


There was a time when I lost my desire to write and to share. There was a time when I didn't see the point of doing a blog to express my thought. I am who I am though, inconsistent as I am in doing this blog, but I do want to share and I do long to write. Today I'm giving it another go. Fingers crossed. But I still wish that "Let there be light" is the message that I convey.
  • January 1st 2012, Kristo