Rainbow over the cloudy skies

Pelangi adalah satu bentuk peringatan perjanjian Allah dengan manusia, bahwa Dia tidak akan memusnahkan bumi dan segala isinya seperti yang Ia lakukan saat kejadian air bah yang dialami oleh Nuh (Kejadian 9). Allah menempatkan busurnya di langit, dan busur itu menjadi satu pertanda janji Allah, bahwa Ia tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita.

Kita melihat pelangi seringkali adalah pada saat saat setelah hujan. ini mengingatkan kita bahwa setelah hujan, badai atau mendung, pengharapan itu ada dan Tuhan beserta kita (let's save the scientific explanation of rainbow for another time). It is not just a symbol for God, but a symbol for us man as well. He is watching over us, guarding us, sustaining our life and standing right beside us.

Tapi saya tidak pernah melihat pelangi saat hujan belum turun atau saat langit mulai mendung.

Not before last week.

It was a cloudy saturday. Aku, Abed, dan Tozzy baru mau makan mie di JP buat dinner (since kita bosen makan di Hall terus) sekalian belanja untuk masak pasta. What await us in front of JP is this sight captured from my handphone. The picture is not clear, but you can still see the glimpses of the rainbow over the cloudy skies.

It took me a while to actually appreciate this rare occasion before I finally shoot a photo of it. And it took me almost a week to fully understands what God wanted to say to me that time.

He is always watching over us, guiding us, standing right beside us, sustaining our life and give light unto our path. Be it in clear sunny days, be it moments after a storm or a rain, or be it moments before the storms and the rain. He is always with us all the way, and we are not outside of His power.

This has been a tough 3 days for me (since Friday). One of the hardest choice that I have to take in my life, and in such a short time to think. Aku mengalami berkat Tuhan, pencobaan dari Tuhan, hantaman keras terhadap apa yang menjadi pemikiran tentang tujuan hidupku selama ini, dan ujian untuk hidup sesuai dengan FirmanNya pada saat yang bersamaan. And I will be struggling until the next two days with it (at least).

Tapi saat aku melihat-lihat kembali foto yang aku ambil minggu lalu, aku terharu. Saya termenung dan terdiam melihat jawaban Allah atas segala kekhawatiranku.

Dia menjaga diriku, dan yang aku alami ini tidak lepas dari kuasaNya.

JanjiNya besertaku, bahwa Ia tidak akan meninggalkan anak-anakNya.

It's funny how God speaks through these events. I will still be struggling with it, I will still be having tough time thinking about it. I might be having trouble sleeping because of it. But one thing I know for sure: He is right by me all the way, and nothing is beyond His reach. He will give His answer to my struggle in His time.

And He made all things good in His time. Amen


Lastly, this is a song I choose when I became the worship leader in PU last friday. I choose this hoping that it can help my friends to see that He is always with us, and to remind us to submit to His will. Tetapi, ternyata aku sendirilah yang terberkati oleh lagu ini.

Be it unto me, according to your Word
According to your promises,
I can stand secure
Carve upon my heart,
The truth that sets me free
According to your Word O Lord,
Be it unto me



There was a time when I lost my desire to write and to share. There was a time when I didn't see the point of doing a blog to express my thought. I am who I am though, inconsistent as I am in doing this blog, but I do want to share and I do long to write. Today I'm giving it another go. Fingers crossed. But I still wish that "Let there be light" is the message that I convey.
  • January 1st 2012, Kristo